sexual partner

美 [ˈsekʃuəl ˈpɑːrtnər]英 [ˈsekʃuəl ˈpɑːtnə(r)]
  • n.性伴侣;配偶,性伙伴
sexual partnersexual partner
  1. In all cultures around the world , there are a number of men and women who choose homosexuality as a sexual partner .


  2. Drug treatment for HIV-positive persons , proven to reduce the virus in the bloodstream and to lower the risk of transmission to a sexual partner .


  3. Students who had a sexual partner also participated in more classroom discussions with the regular teacher .


  4. This is the first study to report whether having a current sexual partner influences interest in the opposite sex .


  5. Account for 80.39 % has the stable sexual partner and 38.39 % have been married .


  6. The ratio of commercial sexual partner was 23.81 % in juvenile group and 14.29 % in adult group .


  7. Of girls who had just one lifetime sexual partner , 20 percent had at least one STD.


  8. The rate of homosexuals in people was 5.0 % by media surveys and of which 27.0 % was more than one sexual partner .


  9. Because by treating people , and hopefully treating them earlier , they are less likely to transmit the virus to their sexual partner .


  10. In Togo 37 % of married or cohabiting men say they have had another sexual partner in the past 12 months .


  11. When having sex with regular partner and commercial sexual partner , 32.9 % and 46.7 % of the respondents used condom at last sexual contact .


  12. One third ( 33 percent ) of all men and just over a quarter ( 27 percent ) of all women who were single had not had a sexual partner .


  13. Methods A cross-sectional survey was conducted in gay bars including the demographic characteristics , HIV and STDs infection as well as the number and types of sexual partner .


  14. Most of the HIV infectors were civic resident and they had the behaviour of sharing needles and syringe or more sexual partner .


  15. But changing your mind about a book or a washing machine chosen over the internet is not as emotionally fraught as changing your mind about a potential sexual partner .


  16. Other risk factors for the virus include injecting drugs , living in a household with an infected person , or being a sexual partner of someone with acute HAV infection .


  17. A sense of humiliation and the level of literacy were primary factors that influenced sexual partner notification ( with a P value of 0.001 ~ 0.025 and 0.005 ~ 0.01 respectively );


  18. Second , if the female replaces the sexual partner frequently , then causes the organism to accept many kinds of " the antigen " the stimulation , organism immune system disorder .


  19. Measures being taken all over Africa include , first of all , campaigns of public awareness and device , including advice to remain faithful to one sexual partner and to use condoms .


  20. This study shows that not only is it better for the person who is infected , but it helps that person from transmitting to the person that 's their sexual partner , heterosexual partner .


  21. The suggestion that she should be his sexual partner in return for expensive gifts so appalled her that she grabbed a cup and smashed it on the floor .


  22. ' It might take longer for men to actually notice their level of difference subjectively outside of the lab , which is also dependent on their relationship with their sexual partner , ' Harte said .


  23. 53.4 % of the unmarried endorsed or did not oppose the sexual partner , 37.0 % marriage agreed with or had no objection to extra-marital sexual partners . 5 .


  24. A new trial has confirmed if an HIV-positive person adheres to an effective antiretroviral therapy regimen , the risk of transmitting the virus to their uninfected sexual partner can be reduced by96 % .


  25. The junior high school and below education in sex workers , the sex behavior with business sexual partner and a fixed-sexual partner in the recent month , the proportion of condom use were 74.83 % and 20.56 % respectively .


  26. We know now , that when you put someone on treatment , not only is it lifesaving for them , but it also dramatically diminishes the likelihood that they will transmit their infection to their sexual partner , said Fauci .


  27. We should no longer see treatment and prevention totally separately . Treatment , by itself , it is also part of prevention . Because by treating people , and hopefully treating them earlier , they are less likely to the virus to their sexual partner . "


  28. Executives vied for a chance to pitch Ms. James and her literary agent , Valerie Hoskins , on how best to tell the story of Anastasia Steele , a virginal 21-year-old student who becomes the submissive sexual partner to Christian Grey , a successful 27-year-old businessman .


  29. Girlfriend ( n. ) female companion , esp.a man 's regular ( and possibly sexual ) partner .


  30. Women in their70s value sexual chemistry in a partner more than women in their40s , according to new research .
